Creating Spatial Data Sources

You can create spatial data sources (SDS) from four types of data sources:

  • Vector or raster data files: different formats are supported (SHP, CSV, GML, GeoJSON, FileGeoDB, GeoPackage, DWG, Tab, GeoTIFF).

  • WMS/WMTS Services

  • Vector Tiling Services

  • Feature Services

The Data sources tab contains functions for creating and managing spatial data sources that you will use in your projects.

This section presents a table of the SDS of which you are the owner and the sources of the data for which you have access permissions. See the Permissions section for details on access and management of resources.

Each data source is a row in the table, and the columns show the attributes: source type, status, CRS (coordinate reference system), labels, and last modification date.

Creating a spatial data source

To create a SDS click on Create a spatial data source. The drop-down menu allows you to select the source type: Data File, WMS/WMTS Service, Vector Tile Service, Feature Service.

The following steps depend on the type of data source.

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K2 Geospatial 2023