API Keys

This section displays a table of your organization's API keys. For each API key the table displays the title, the unique identifier (Id), the name of the user who created it, the creation date and the expiration date.

Adding an API key

To add an API key:

  1. Click on Create new API key.

  2. Enter the name for the key, the expiration date, and select the role to assign to the API key from the drop-down list (only Editor and Viewer roles can be assigned to an API key). Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory.

  3. Click on Create. A message displays: This is a private API key that should be kept secret and secure. Once this window is closed, it will no longer be possible to see the API key again.

  4. Press OK. The key is created and displayed in the table.

Managing API keys

  1. Click to access the available functions: Display information and Delete.

  2. Click on Display information to open the key's interface. This displays the title, the name of the user who created it, their role, email and expiration date.

  3. Click on Delete if you want to delete the key. Deleting an API key has resource impacts. The Delete an API Key section provides details on this topic.

Delete an API key

To better manage your organization's API keys, you can delete keys that are no longer useful.

Deleting an API key has resource impacts because an API key can own resources (data sources and projects with its layers).

To retain resources, you can transfer their ownership to other members of the organization. If you don't do this, the resources are deleted along with the API key.

To delete an API key:

  1. Click on Delete. A message asks you to confirm your intention.

  2. Press OK. If the selected API key owns resources, a list of members with the Editor role is displayed for you to select the member to transfer ownership of the API key resources to. If the API key does not own resources, a message asks you to confirm the deletion.

  3. If so, select the Editor member who transfers ownership of the assets to. The selected member is registered as an owner in each data source and project that owns the API key.

  4. Click OK to confirm deleting the API key. API key resource access permissions (access control list, ACL, entries) are removed. Resources that are solely owned by the API key are permanently deleted.

Deleting an API key is irreversible. The API key is physically deleted from JMap Cloud.

Dernière mise à jour

K2 Geospatial 2023