Displaying layers
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You can select the layers to display in the map.
To display a layer, you must display the group and the subgroups in which the layer is found.
Slide the switch on the group's card from to in order to enable the display of the group.
Click on to open the group card and display the layers and subgroups it contains.
Slide the switch on the subgroup's card to enable its display. The icon of the subgroup will change color .
The icon appears in the layers' cards whose display is disabled. No icon appears in layers' cards whose display is enabled.
Click on to display the layer. The icon disappears, and the layer is displayed in the map.
To disable the display of a layer, bring the mouse pointer to the card of that layer. The icon appears.
Click on the icon, which turns to . The layer will no longer be displayed in the map. Its symbol will turn gray.
Slide the display switch of the group to this position if you wish to disable the display of all layers comprising this group. Even the layers whose display is enabled will no longer be shown.
Some layers are configured to be displayed within a given scale interval. Displaying an abundance of small map elements when a small scale is selected (i.e. when the map displays a large territory with few details) can make it very difficult to read the map. Layers that have elements with these characteristics are usually displayed at a larger scale, when the map contains more details on a limited territory.
When a layer is not visible because of the map scale, its name and symbol will appear in very light gray. When you change the scale, these colors will become darker, indicating that the layer appears in the map if its display is enabled.