User Interface
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The JMap Cloud Portal user interface looks like this:
Header bar. Indicates the section of JMap Cloud Portal that is displayed in the main interface. Icons allow you to change language and graphical interface settings. Information of the logged in user as well as functions to change password and log out.
Tools bar. Each icon provides access to a section:
Access to JMap Cloud Portal documentation. The JMap Cloud Portal version is indicated at the bottom of the bar.
Section interface.
In the sections, information is presented in table mode and sometimes also in card mode.
In the tables, the rows correspond to the section's resources: organization members, API keys, files, tasks, spatial data sources, etc.
You can select the quantity of rows to display per page: 25, 50, 100. A table can have multiple pages. The footer displays the number of rows on the page and the total number of rows in the table.
For each resource, a menu is displayed when the cursor is placed on the attribute name. The functions offered in the menu vary depending on the resource:
Show information
Edit information
Create a source
The table columns correspond to the attributes. The table header presents the attribute names.
Sort table rows ascending or descending
Hide attribute
Show column
A display of resources in cardboard mode is available in the Projects section. Buttons allow you to add resources in each section except the Jobs section.
: provides an overview of the organization's resources to which you have access.
: contains the functions that allow you to manage the administrative aspects of the organization: members, invitations, etc.
: Introduces functions to create and manage the spatial data sources you have access to.
: contains functions for creating and managing projects.
: contains tasks performed by JMap Cloud Portal.
Icons are enabled or disabled based on the role of the logged in user. See the section for more details.
For each attribute, a menu is displayed when the cursor is placed on the attribute. The menu varies depending on the resource, but it offers functions for:
Filter table rows based on an attribute value. When a filter is applied, the icon displays next to the attribute name.