Data Files

JMap Cloud creates spatial data sources (SDS) from multiple vector and raster data file formats: CSV, KML, DXF, DWG, SHP, TAB, GeoPackage, FileGeoDatabase, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF.

Files can be uploaded when creating a spatial data source or uploaded in advance. For more information, see the Upload Files section.

An SDS can include multiple vector or raster data files that form a continuous map. For example, a common CAD practice is to separate the territory into rectangular tiles. By reading all tile files together, JMap Cloud can recreate continuous maps as long as the files contain the same data structure (geometry, layers and attribute types). In these cases, the different files that will be used to create the SDS must be combined in the same .zip format file.

Creating an SDS from vector data files involves the steps of uploading the files to JMap Cloud, analyzing the metadata, validating and completing the SDS parameters. When you complete the creation of the SDS, the data and its configuration are copied into the JMap Cloud databases.

In the case of creating an SDS from raster data files, these are uploaded to JMap Cloud, their characteristics are analyzed and validated and when you complete the creation of the SDS several processes are carried out:

  • Data is reprojected to the reference coordinate system EPSG:3857

  • Data is converted to COG optimized format

  • A pyramid of internal resolution images is created to optimize the display of data

This image, optimized for easy display and navigation, is stored in JMap Cloud.

Creating a SDS from files

  1. On the Data sources tab, click on Create a spatial data source.

  2. Select Data file. The selection interface offers two choices: New File, to upload a data file to JMap Cloud and Existing File, to select files that are already on JMap Cloud. See Uploading Files for more information.

  3. If you are creating the data source from a new file, in the New File tab select the data file to upload. Because typically a vector spatial dataset is made up of multiple files, you must combine them into a single .zip format file. Compression is not necessary for uploading raster data files unless you want to upload multiple files that will make up a mosaic dataset. In this case you must combine them in a single .zip format file. If you are creating the data source from files that already exist on JMap Cloud, select them in the Existing File tab.

  4. Configure the SDS settings. When you select a new file, before displaying the settings configuration window JMap Cloud analyzes the file's metadata in order to identify the format, the type of data it contains, it coordinate reference system (CRS), geographic extent and other metadata. When you select an existing file, JMap Cloud has already performed this analysis (and the conversion in the case of raster type files) and the configuration window is displayed directly. The settings to configure vary depending on the data type format. The File settings section details them.

  5. Add a description of the SDS and tags that may be useful for filtering data sources. You can create new labels by entering the text in the Tags field.

  6. Click on Create. The new SDS is displayed in the table. Its status is Preparing while the creation is completed. Subsequently the status is Ready.

The files that you upload when creating an SDS are displayed in the table in the Files tab. After a period of 10 days the files are automatically deleted from JMap Cloud.

File settings

The table shows the general settings to configure when creating an SDS from files.

Only indexed attributes can be used in simple searches (searching for features in layers of a project based on attribute values) of the NG map application.

Dernière mise à jour

K2 Geospatial 2023