
You can add access permissions to vector and raster spatial data sources (SDS) that you own.

You can grant permissions to members of your organization who hold the Editor and Viewer roles. Each role has different permissions.

Granting permissions

Permissions are hierarchical:

  • Owner permission includes Modify and View permissions

  • Modify permission includes View permission

  • The permissions associated with the Viewer role are the basis of the hierarchy and each of them automatically includes the View permission.

To grant permissions to a SDS:

  1. To grant permissions to a member, open the Add member drop-down list.

  2. Check the permissions you want to grant to each member.

Modifying permissions

You can modify the permissions granted to members, grant permissions to new members, or remove all permissions from one or more members.

SDS must have at least one member with the Owner permission.

  1. Change the permissions by checking or unchecking the relevant boxes. Résultat de traduction

    To remove all permissions from a member, you must first uncheck the permissions at the top of the hierarchy. When you uncheck the Owner permission box, Modify automatically becomes the most important permission. To remove the View permission when associated with Viewer type permissions, you must uncheck those first.

Dernière mise à jour

K2 Geospatial 2023