

JMap Cloud NG is a fork of the first generation of JMap NG that was the official JMap Server/JMap Cloud web client up until JMap Server Kathmandu.

JMap Cloud NG is the official NG Client for JMap Cloud. JMap Cloud NG is only compatible with JMap Cloud. All JMap Server specific capabilities of JMap Cloud NG have been removed after the fork from JMap NG (first generation).

v1.0.44 (2024-07-02)

Features and improvements ✨

  • Allow creating Thematics on-the-fly. It is now possible to add a custom Style Rule (Thematic) to an existing layer in NG for JMap Cloud. A detailed example is available here. This thematic is only available during the current session, it is not persisted.

    • Mew API methods:

      • JMap.Layer.Thematic.addThematic(params)

      • JMap.Layer.Thematic.deleteThematic(layerId, thematicId) (delete any thematic, client-side, for the current session only)

  • JMap.Map.resetSelectionStyle() , a new API method to reset the selection style of a layer that was previously modified with JMap.Map.setSelectionStyle()

  • New options for API method JMap.Application.Print.takeCapture :

    • (... ,customRatioWidth, customRatioHeight) lets specify a custom aspect ratio for the generated image

Bug fixes 🐞

  • Measurements panel; error when selecting Nautical Miles as the unit for an area measure

  • Fix several problems with dynamic filters when working with Date or DateTime attributes

v1.0.37 (2024-06-17)

Features and improvements ✨

  • Support snapping on layer elements in all draw environments (feature creation, measures, annotations)

    • New API methods:

      • JMap.Feature.getByLayerId(layerId, bbox) (retrieves features from a layer)

      • JMap.Application.Annotation.setSnapEnabled(enabled)

      • JMap.Application.Annotation.setSnapLayerId(layerId)

      • JMap.Application.Geometry.setSnapEnabled(enabled)

      • JMap.Application.Geometry.setSnapLayerId(layerId)

      • JMap.Application.Measure.setSnapEnabled(enabled)

      • JMap.Application.Measure.setSnapLayerId(layerId)

  • make JMap.Application.Print.takeCapture return a data URL instead of triggering a browser download

    • modified API method: JMap.Application.Print.takeCapture(returnAsDataUrl)

  • Added the JMap.Map.setSelectionStyle() method to set the selection style of a layer. Allows developer to change the selection style of a layer see this page for details

Bug fixes 🐞

  • fix problem when calling JMap.Feature.getByIds with too many IDs

  • fix problem when calling JMap.Layer.Search.byAttribute with too many attribute values

  • Unable to use ''Ctrl+V'' with a numeric value in a dynamic filter on a layer

  • ngExtent url startup param is not working anymore

  • Measure panel doesn't scroll

  • fix marker registration when creating a new point feature in geometry creation panel

  • JMap.Layer.attributeExists() does not work

  • Export selection as Excel file is broken

  • Layer names in selection panel are visible when they overflow the panel's width

  • "Recenter the Map" widget does not work properly

  • The last character of the result of the substring function is missing in the mouseover.

  • New CRS support refactoring:

    • Modified API methods:

      • JMap.Projection.reprojectLocation() is now asynchronous

      • JMap.Projection.reprojectBoundaryBox() is now asynchronous

    • Removed API methods:

      • JMap.Map.isLayerRendered() has been removed

      • JMap.Map.getLayersVisibilityStatus() has been removed

      • JMap.Map.getLayersVisibilityStatusAsArray() has been removed

      • JMap.Map.getRenderedJMapLayerIds() has been removed

v1.0.18 (2024-03-18)

Features and improvements ✨

  • Improve mouseover display

  • Add support for JMap Cloud Simple Search feature

    • JMap Cloud now supports a global search mechanism for finding information in any indexed patial data sources or in a whole project through all its indexed spatial data sources (/rest/v1/organizations/{organization}/spatialdatasources/{spatialdatasource}/search and /rest/v1/organizations/{organization}/projects/{project}/search)

    • Added API methods:

      • JMap.SimpleSearch.setQueryString(queryString: string)

      • JMap.SimpleSearch.getMinimumQueryStringLength()

      • JMap.SimpleSearch.getInvalidQueryStringCharacters()

    • New API events:

      • JMap.Event.SimpleSearch.on.success

      • JMap.Event.SimpleSearch.on.error

  • Add support for 3D DEM

    • When opening a project that has an associated DEM file, the DEM is displayed on the map

    • New API methods:

      • JMap.Map.isTerrainAvailable()

      • JMap.Map.isTerrainActive()

      • JMap.Map.setTerrainActive(active:boolean)

  • let the user choose between EPSG:4326 (Lat-Lon) and the project’s CRS for the mapInfo widget coordinates

Bug fixes 🐞

  • Error calculating extent for a WMTS service

  • Mouseover horizontal scrollbar appears for nothing

  • Modify UI to ask for current password when changing password

  • Login page, problem entering Username and Password fields

  • Problem downloading map captures from the Exportation / Print Tool section (with MapLibre)

  • An hyperlink in an attribute doesn’t work in the mouseover

  • JMap.Feature.getByIds() method doesn’t display retrieved features on the map

  • Unable to sort columns in attribute table for selected features

  • Problems interpreting dates in string (ISO)

  • Removed Thematic Legend Title and Legend Subtitle from UI

  • Open JMap Cloud NG with an URL using ngSearch query param does not work

  • Removed conditional logic in JMap Cloud NG for switching between JMap Cloud and JMap Server

    • Removed API methods:

      • JMap.Server.getType()

      • JMap.Server.isSaas()

      • JMap.Server.isLegacy()

      • JMap.Server.getMinimumVersion()

    • Modified API methods:

      • JMap.Feature.deleteByIds() now returns a Promise<JId> instead of a Promise<GeoJSON.Feature>

    • removed/renamed/modified types/enums/interfaces:

      • removed JSERVER_TYPES


      • renamed JServerSaasService to JServerService

      • renamed JServerSaasServiceById to JServerServiceById

      • JJMapCloudPasswordPolicyCompliance

      • removed JMinimumServerVersion

      • removed title and subTitle from JLayerThematic

      • JJMapCloudPasswordPolicyCompliance renamed to JJMapPasswordPolicyCompliance

      • removed refreshToken from JTokenInfo

Dernière mise à jour

K2 Geospatial 2023